Sunday, July 26, 2009

Statement of purpose

It's been a bit since I've blogged - approximately since around the time I forgot my MySpace password, which would put it at a year plus. It's a fun hobby that I've missed, so I decided to establish a new launching pad for my writings, rather than attempt to remember my MySpace password. If you're wondering, the name of the blog is primarily a tribute to Miller's Crossing, my all-time favorite movie, but also an allusion to the fact that I'll probably wind up doing a lot of pontificating and over-intellectualizing. Which is OK, as long as I'm aware of it, right?

Anyhow, there's probably not going to be a consistent theme to this blog , save being a forum for my interests and a source of intermittent and semi-anonymous updates on my life. As I am not a teenage girl, don't expect a lot of soul-baring to take place. Truth be told, you'll be fortunate if the percentage of posts devoted to movies and/or video games creeps below the 60 percent mark, but we'll see how things go. Commenting is enabled and open, so feel free to share your thoughts.

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